The Coronado Yacht club is exclusive.  It may sound a little lame by describing it as exclusive but aren’t most yacht clubs that way? In Coronado, you don’t need to own a boat in order to be a member of the club.  All you need to do is pass the interview process and pay up, of course.  I’m sure the fees are a little more than joining a club but I say that the Coronado Yacht Club isn’t your average clubhouse because, well, it isn’t.   

Once every month the club holds trivia night where many come out to play.  This night brings competitive members - some more ruthless than others.  I’m not sure what the prizes are as I’ve only attended one trivia night and was not part of the winning group.  I assume the most important prize is pride in saying you’ve won.  

The clubhouse also has a playground and a grassy area where I’ve seen many people participating in games such as bocce ball and cornhole (aka bag-o).  If you’ve never played these games before I think you should.  You don’t necessarily need to be at the yacht club in order to play.  

And how can I forget the main point of being a member at the club?  Owning your own vessel and having the San Diego Bay to cast your sails on is amazing.  Gliding along the golf course and under the bridge to then pass along downtown San Diego.  And if you have a whole day ahead of you, why not take the boat all the way to the ocean.  

If you’re not a member of the Coronado Yacht Club then I suggest you make some new friends….and fast! 

